����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������� January 17-18, 2002


ITEM 114-118-R0102����������������� Authorization of Institutional Name Changes from Helena College of Technology of The University of Montana to The University of Montana � Helena College of Technology, and from the Montana State University College of Technology � Great Falls to Montana State University � Great Falls College of Technology; Montana University System�


THAT:�������������������������������������� The Board of Regents of Higher Education authorizes (1) the Helena College of Technology of The University of Montana� to implement the institutional name change to The University� of Montana - Helena College of Technology effective July 1,� 2003; and (2) the Montana State University College of Technology - Great Falls to implement the institutional name change to Montana State University � Great Falls College of Technology effective immediately.���


EXPLANATION:����������������������� The current designations of these two Colleges reflect their affiliation with the two Universities starting in 1995 with the restructuring of the Montana University System.� The new names continue the Colleges� unique identities, but would more fully reflect their affiliation with their respective Universities.� The changes also make parallel the names used in both Universities.


The new designations are seen as a marketing enhancement for recruiting students and for programming.� The new names will also have greater appeal to prospective faculty and administrators.� Educational programs and initiatives would receive greater recognition as a full participant in the university concept.� Yet, the identity of the Colleges of Technology is still recognized as long time providers of vocational technical programs.�


Both Colleges are looked upon by their respective communities for a broad spectrum of educational needs.� The new names would enhance the marketing of the Higher Education Center programs and broader program offerings beyond the Colleges� traditional mission of occupational training.


The effective dates differ for the name changes because the MSU � GFCOT name is already in common use.