March 20-21, 2003


ITEM 118-105-R0303�����������      Authorization to Expend Reverted Appropriation

MSU Billings


THAT:�������������������������������������� The Board of Regents authorizes Montana State University Billings to expend reverted appropriations based on the attached plan.


EXPLANATION:�����������             Board of Regents Policy 901.6 and MCA 17-7-304 authorizes campuses and agencies of the Montana University System to expend reverted appropriations subsequent to Regent approval of a spending plan.� Montana State University Billings plans to spend reversions on projects identified on the attached priority list.� MCA 17-7-304 specifies that the reversions are to be spent on deferred maintenance or equipment, so the plan by MSU Billings complies with legislative intent.