December 30, 2003


TO:������������������ Board of Regents of Higher Education


FROM:������������� Rod Sundsted

����������������������� Associate Commissioner for Fiscal Affairs


SUBJECT:������� Selective Service Policy - ITEM 122-101-R0104

The Legislative Audit Division is currently finalizing the FY02-03 financial compliance audit of the OCHE and the Board of Regents.� One of the findings contained in the report is a recommendation that the board comply with state law by adopting rules to implement compliance with the Military Selective Service Act.� The campuses of the MUS, through financial aid and federal administrative procedures, are in compliance with the Military Selective Service Act.� However, the state statute (20-1-225 MCA) requires that �the regents shall adopt rules to implement this section�.� Adoption of this policy will meet the requirements of this state statute.