Thursday, May 28, 2009

7:00 AM - Board Breakfast with Local Civic and Business Leaders (by advance reservation) - McLaughlin Center on the Great Falls COT campus (right across the street)

11:45 PM - Regents’ Luncheon Meeting with Student Leaders  -G45/46

11:45 PM - Lunch Recess for Meeting Attendees -Heritage Hall

5:00 PM - Reception for Meeting Participants in Honor of MSU-Great Falls COT 40th Anniversary and the Naming of the Will & Nancy Weaver Library - Atrium

Friday, May 29, 2009

7:00 AM - Continental Breakfast for Meeting Attendees - Heritage Hall

12:00 PM - Lunch Recess – Regents’ Luncheon Meeting with Classified Staff Representatives - G45/46

12:00 PM - Lunch for Meeting Attendees - Heritage Hall

1:00 PM - Board of Regents Group Photo


Printable Agenda