Thursday, May 27, 2010

7:00 AM - Regents Breakfast with Classified Staff - SUB Dining Hall

7:00 AM - Continental Breakfast for Meeting Attendees - SUB Ballroom

12:00 PM - Regents' Luncheon Meeting with Students - SUB Ballroom

12:00 PM - Lunch Recess for Meeting Attendees - Dining Hall

1:00 PM - Board of Regents Group Photo by Jim Potter  
Location: To Be Announced

6:00 PM - Reception
By advance reservation
Location: MSU-Northern Dining Hall
  In honor of the retirement of:

* Provost Joe Callahan, MSU-Northern
* President George Dennison, UM-Missoula
* President Joe McDonald, Salish Kootenai College
* Chancellor Ron Sexton, MSU-Billings

Friday, May 28, 2010

7:15 AM - Continental Breakfast for Meeting Attendees  SUB Ballroom

7:15 AM - Regents Breakfast with Local Civic and Business Leaders By advance invitation    SUB Dining Hall


Printable Agenda