May 18 - 20, 2005


ITEM 127-112-R0505                 Appeal Procedures for Transfer Credits


THAT:                                      The Board of Regents of Higher Education approves the following changes to Policy 301.5:

(1)     addition of a new section that establishes an appeals procedure at each of the institutions of the Montana University System, and the three (3) community colleges;� that procedure is as uniform as possible, given the variations in structure and size among the institutions described in the preceding sentence.


EXPLANATION:����������������������� At its March, 2005 meeting, the Montana Board of Regents asked that such an appeals process be developed.


The proposed process:

         utilizes the existing academic structure and hierarchy on each campus;

         specifies that the appropriate academic supervisors in that hierarchy review transfer decisions concerning program requirements;

         places the responsibility for review of decisions concerning campus-wide general education requirements and elective credits with a faculty committee;

         identifies the chief academic officer on each campus as the final decision-maker in all transfer credit reviews;

         establishes appropriate notice and timeline safeguards.


The appeal procedures will be in place on all of the campuses of the Montana University System by the beginning of Fall Semester 2005.