ITEM 107-1001-R0500������ Grant of Easement to Mountain Water Company for Existing Water Main Facilities; The University of Montana-Missoula


THAT:����������������������������������� Pursuant to Montana University System Policy 1003.3, the Board of Regents of the Montana Univer�sity System authorizes The University of Mon�tana to grant an easement to Mountain Water Company for the purpose of contributing an existing eight-inch water service line presently occupying College of Technology property and for the installation, operation and maintenance of a new eight-inch main that would provide fire protection for the Missoula County Fairgrounds.


EXPLANATION:����������������� Mountain Water Company requests that The University of Montana contribute the existing eight-inch water service to their system and allow them to construct a new eight-inch water service line on the College of Technology east campus property.� A new fire hydrant installed near the southern end of this main will provide fire protection to The University of Montana.� The existing fire hydrant for this area is located on the fairground properties within the fairgrounds fence.


ATTACHMENT:������������������ Map.