This authority request is for an amount greater than $150,000, which requires the following information:


(a) Project Description:

This project will address deferred maintenance and energy efficiencies by replacing existing energy deficient windows with energy efficient windows and insulated "infills." It will also repair/refurbish deteriorated exterior concrete fenestration and roof parapet cap, and tuck-point all deteriorated brick windowsills.


(b) Cost Estimate and Funding Source:

The project is estimated to cost $321,200 that includes construction costs, consultant fees and all other expenses associated with the project.


(c) Programs Served, Enrollment Data, Projected Enrollments:

The project will help provide a more comfortable environment for all students, faculty and staff using this facility. It addresses energy consumption and deferred maintenance issues. Current enrollment data and projected enrollment are not directly impacted by this project.


(d) Space Utilization Data:

No new or additional space will be created by this project.


(e) Projected Use for Available Residual Space:



(f) Projected O&M Costs and Proposed Funding Sources:

No increased O&M responsibilities will be created by this project.