January 15-16, 2004

ITEM 122-2701-R0104   Authorization to Confer The Title of Professor Emeritus of Mathematics upon Professor William Self; Montana State University-Billings

WHEREAS, Professor William Self has completed a distinguished teaching career of thirty-four years, including fifteen at Montana State University-Billings, formerly Eastern Montana College;


WHEREAS, Professor Self has received numerous awards including a National Science Foundation Fellowship and memberships in Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honor Society and Kappa Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honor Society;


WHEREAS, he has presented many papers and served as commentator at state, regional, national, and international conferences;


WHEREAS, he has published papers on harmonic analysis, robotics, Fourier analysis, and continued fractions in national and international journals;


WHEREAS, he is a member of a school of mathematicians, Frank Forelli and his students, who, over the past three decades, have made internationally recognized contributions to the theory of function algebras, complex variables, and harmonic analysis;


WHEREAS, he is a member of learned societies such as The American Mathematical Society, the Mathematical Association of America, and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics;


WHEREAS, he served Montana State University-Billings on numerous committees such as the Library Committee, the Professional Development Committee, and the Travel Committee;


WHEREAS, he served the faculty of Montana State University-Billings as Faculty Grievance Officer;


WHEREAS, he served the mathematics community of Montana as co-organizer of two Montana Academy of Science conferences, one Collegiate Mathematics Interface Conference, and four Big Sky Analysis Conferences;


WHEREAS, he served the international mathematics community for many years as reviewer for Mathematical Reviews;


WHEREAS, he mentored many students, giving unstintingly of his time out of class and serving as faculty advisor to the Math and Computer Science Club;


WHEREAS, he has become a recognized expert in computer algebra systems and has lead the state of Montana in the incorporation of Mathematica into the mathematics curriculum;


AND WHEREAS, Montana State University-Billings wishes to honor Professor Self for his outstanding service to education and his discipline;


THEREFORE, the Board of Regents of Higher Education, on the recommendation of the Chancellor of Montana State University-Billings, confers upon Dr. William Self the title of Professor of Mathematics Emeritus, with all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities pertaining thereto.