January 17-18, 2002

NOTICE OF INTENT   Addition of an Option in Cultural and Ethnic Anthropology to the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Anthropology; The University of Montana-Missoula

THAT: The Board of Regents of Higher Education authorizes The University of Montana to add an option in Cultural and Ethnic Anthropology to the Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology.


EXPLANATION: The University of Montana offers the only Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology in the State. Increasingly, student interest in multicultural and diversity issues has grown. The Department of Anthropology has added new courses to serve these students and has experienced further growth in the number of students who view academic training in diversity as a necessary prerequisite to living in a multicultural world. This emphasis will attract more students, particularly ethnic minority students, to The University of Montana.

The completed signature page resides on file at the President's Office, The University of Montana-Missoula.