DATE:   March 12, 2002

 TO:   Board of Regents 

FROM:   Terry Hetrick, President, Dawson Community College

 RE:  Campus Report for the March 21-22, 2002 Board of Regents' Meeting

  • Holly Dershem-Bruce, DCC Law Enforcement Program Director, and two law enforcement program students traveled to Anaheim, California in early March to attend the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences conference entitled "Justice Problems, Social Change, and Accountability." Mrs. Dershem-Bruce was a featured presenter and panel participant.
  • On March 7th and 8th, 2002, the DCC Fine and Performing Arts program conducted the play "Don't Dress for Dinner." Each spring, the Fine and Performing Arts students conduct a play for college staff, fellow students, and community members.
  • The Facilities Expansion Committee recently identified a gymnasium/community athletic center and a fine/performing arts center as the facilities of highest priority. Three sub-committees were also formed to help address these needs: architectural selection, finance, and publicity/public relations.
  • On February 28th and March 1st and 2nd, Law Enforcement Program students traveled to Regina, Saskatchewan to visit the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Academy. The students were accompanied by Kathleen Fritsch, a DCC Law Enforcement Program faculty member.
  • DCC faculty members provided computer training for three agencies during the months of January, February and March. Seventeen employees of the Montana Department of Transportation, eighteen Dawson County employees, and thirteen employees of Action for Eastern Montana received instruction on Internet, Outlook, Microsoft Word or Excel during these training sessions.
  • On March 12th-14th, twenty-six law enforcement professionals attended a seminar entitled "Death/Homicide Investigation" conducted by David Taylor, a nationally recognized expert in this subject from Ocala, Florida. Each year, the DCC Law Enforcement Program provides professional development opportunities for peace officers throughout the region.