EXHIBIT B:������������������ ITEM 109-2801-R1100


Student Survey

Bachelor�s of Science Degree in Elementary Education Interest Survey

October 2000



A.                  Are you interested in attending a public institution in Great falls to earn a bachelor�s degree in elementary education?


No������� 2��������������������������������� Yes ���� 37


����� If yes, list the reason(s) you want to have a public institution in Great Falls to earn a bachelor�s degree in elementary education.


�         It will be a convenient opportunity to earn a degree.

�         The private college I Great Falls has tuition prices that are way out of reach and I do not wish to have a student loan bill of over $50,000 at the end of four years.

�         I already have a degree � getting certification.

�         Alternative institution to receive elementary education BA degree.

�         I live in Great falls. I think you would have more students enroll in Great Falls.

�         Tuition is less expensive here, therefore enrollment is higher.

�         I didn�t leave my husband and my home to get the degree.

�         Being a non-traditional student, I do not want to have student loans to pay back that are so high I will never get to retire.

�         I feel that having a public institution in Great Falls to earn a bachelors degree in elementary education would be very useful especially with the high amount of interest among my classmates and others who would really benefit from the program.

�         I live here and I would not be able to take classes in Havre.

�         Economics.

�         City of this size should have this to offer.

�         Should be an individual choice to go to school where you want and not be forced to attend a private school.

�         As a taxpayer, it is my right.

�         Living on a budget I need affordable education.

�         Honestly, it�s cheaper. I like the choice of having either daytime or night classes because I am then able to work.

�         #1 it is expense. It is affordable. MSU Northern, Great Falls has some excellent instructors as UGF but we students pay 1/5th of the price. We are a lower middle class community and education should be affordable to all.

�         I can afford it. I am not a catholic and our private school is. I like the program offered. No night program at private school. I got no respect as an oldie student when looking at our private school. However, I did receive respect at the public institution.

�         I want an affordable place to go to college without leaving my life, family and home. I want small classes and not 200 to 400 students in my classes.

�         I�m a non-traditional student working full-time. UGF does not offer classes to fit my schedule. This is where I live.

�         Less expensive than UGF. I learn better in a smaller classroom setting.

�         I enjoy the instructors I have had in the past year.

�         I am unable to attend day classes and need an institution that can fulfill my needs.

�         It�s more affordable and my family lives here.

�         Cheaper tuition � flexible school schedule.

�         Basically it�s a money issue. Also time plays a role.

�         I live here and work here. UGF is too expensive.

�         I am the only provider for my family, and need classes on weekends and evenings. UGF does not have classes at times that fit with my work schedule. I have to work and go to school.

�         A public institution would provide greater access, availability to the general public. As a taxpayer, I feel I should have the right to get a degree in a public institution. I cannot afford UGF. Classes are offered at a time that allows me to hold a full time day position.

�         Availability to attend a university that offers the courses art the time of day appropriate to my work schedule. Financially, I don�t feel I should have to pay 3 times the tuition for a degree by attending a private college. As a taxpayer, I feel I am entitled to a fair education.

�         A public institution would provide greater access and availability to the general public and since I am a Montana taxpayer, I believe this opportunity should be available for myself and my family at a cost more reasonable to the Montana citizens. A private institution does not make this possible.

�         I am interested in acquiring credits toward a reading endorsement.

�         Cost, choice (more variety of times and classes) competition � brings out the best in private and public institutions. Montana State should not support a private institution over public.

�         I live here in Great Falls and would like to stay here.

�         I cannot afford UGF, and cannot move my family.

�         First is cost. I simply cannot afford the tuition fees. Secondly scheduling, the public education is much more flexible.

�         Need certification to teach.

�         I already have a BA but I know other people who are Great Falls residents, and who would like to pursue a degree in elementary education.

�         UGF should not have a monopoly on dictating where I can get my education and how much I should pay for it.


B.                  Are you currently taking classes in Great Falls to earn your bachelor�s degree in elementary education


No������ 5��������������������� Yes���� 35


If yes, name of institution.


MSUCOTGF����� 11�������������������� MSU-Northern��� 19�������� UGF���� 1


C.                  In order for you to attend classes, do you need an alternative delivery schedule � evening and weekends?


No������� 9��������������������� Yes 32


D.                  Is there anything else that you would like us to know about access to public higher education in Great Falls?


�         I feel that it would be convenient for families who are currently living in Great Falls and can�t leave to finish their degree, due to work, families and other issues.

�         It is too expensive to move to Havre just to finish my bachelor�s degree.

�         A private institution shouldn�t have the control to say �no� to anyone offering an education. If MSU Northern can put this into effect they should not be stopped.

�         More for non-traditional students.

�         It is a school for non-traditional students. We feel welcome and are treated with respect. The classes are set up for working parents with night classes. I also appreciate the fact that I am not made to take religion class with ideas I do not believe in. if they need teachers so bad � they should be prepared to offer that at our convenience. At any cost for them.

�         A private institution should not dictate to me, a taxpayer, what I can and cannot take!!

�         We should have the right to choose.

�         Cost is also a factor � since I�m working to pay for school and provide for my family.

�         Living in Lewistown and not having a college, having one in Great Falls allows me to finish my education without leaving home.

�         We should have a choice. Private colleges are not for everyone. Some have a religious conflict with UGF. I simply cannot afford them. If Northern hadn�t been here I would never have returned to college.

�         It used to be you had the right to choose what you did with your life. In Great Falls, if you want an elementary education degree, you have to pay more or hit the road to another institution. To me, if you are right out of high school everyone wants to attend college, but as mature adults things are a lot tougher.

�         The opportunity to complete my education in Great Falls has made this dream a possible reality. Since I travel from Lewistown 3 nights a week, private tuition would be out of the question.

�         I believe in a city the size of Great Falls we should be able to chooses which institution of higher learning we would like to attend.

�         In my case, there has not been enough classes offered to take a full credit load at times, so I either have to travel to Havre, or not take a full load.

�         The state should not limit the availability of education, especially by supporting private over public education.

�         I feel if there were more classes in Great Falls at the COT, you would always have a full class. Many people don�t want to drive to Havre.

�         UGF is forcing students away. If they would lower the fees enough to allow students to attend the school, they would make more money.

�         You have to move to get an education.