ITEM 114-1603-R0305��������������������������������������������������������������������������� March 21-22, 2002
January 7, 2002
Relying on the strategic planning process employed by The University of Montana during the fall semester of 1997 as a starting point, The University of Montana-Western developed a strategic plan that meets the needs of the local campus while addressing the aspirations, values, and goals outlined in the system‑wide University of Montana Strategic Directions document of The University of Montana.
The campus strategic plan was developed by the Strategic Planning Committee comprised of the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, Dean of Outreach and Research, Dean of Education, Dean of Arts and Sciences, Dean of Students, Student Senate president, a Student Senator, Faculty Senate chair, Faculty Association president, Staff Association president, Contract Professionals Association president.
The Strategic Planning Committee is a standing committee charged with facilitating implementation and assessment of planning with both on-campus and off-campus constituencies.
Mission Statement
The University of Montana-Western provides innovative interdisciplinary education through experiential learning that combines theory and practice.� Western serves citizens of all ages with its academic, community-service, and lifelong-learning programs. As part of the global community, Western encourages diversity, international awareness, environmental responsibility, and mastery of technology as a gateway to the world.
Vision Statement
University of Montana-Western aspires to regional recognition as asmall university
characterized by excellence
in experiential
learning; professional
education, rural education, interdisciplinary studies, technology, and the liberal arts and sciences.Western strives for competitive
admissions; an
appropriate array of occupational, technical and
undergraduate programs in liberal arts and selected professional fields; and a developmental
focus in student life
Core Values
The University of Montana-Western shares six core values with the other three campuses of The University of Montana:
1. Affordable access to higher education for Montanans;
2. Learning experiences of high quality designed to allow students to realize their full potential;
3. Contributing to knowledge and meeting the needs of the State, region, nation, and world through basic and applied research;
4. Promoting diversity and community among students, faculty, and staff;
5. Effective and efficient use of resources and full accountability for all funds; and
6. Service to the citizens, communities, regions, business, industry, and State.
Strategic Goals
As a campus of The University of Montana, Western will pursue six strategic goals during the planning period from 2000 through 2005:
1. Sustain and enhance the quality of student life through: (a) Continuous improvement of undergraduate education; (b) Improved advising and counseling services; (c) More effective recruitment and retention; and (d) Diversity in student services and student life.
2. Attract, retain, support, and develop a diverse and excellent faculty and staff;
3. Strengthen, develop, enhance, and broaden research programs;
4. Provide comprehensive information technology and related services;
5. Develop the campus and continuously maintain the physical plant; and
6. Provide a stable financial environment, enhance resource acquisition, and assure equitable distribution of resources.
Strategic Plan
During the planning period from 2000 through 2005, The University of Montana-Western will actively work with local and system constituencies to pursue institutional and system goals through a reliance on the mission statement, core values, and strategic goals outlined above.
Strategic Goal 1:� �Sustain and enhance the quality of student life through: (a) Continuous improvement of undergraduate education; (b) Improved advising and counseling services; (c) More effective recruitment and retention; and (d) Diversity in student services and student life.
Outcome 1-1
Complete the reorganization of administration and staff to support the teaching and learning environment.�
Responsible Administrators
����������� Chancellor
����������� Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
����������� Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
����������� Vice Chancellor for University Advancement
Action Items:
� Complete the reorganization of Academic Affairs into a School of Education, Business, and Technology; a College of Arts and Sciences; and a School of Outreach by Fall 2001
� Define roles of Deans, Department Chairs, and Program Coordinators by Fall 2001
� Continue the integration of student services through the merger of Admissions and Financial Aid functions by Spring 2001.
� Review reporting structure of functional areas and activities by Fall 2001.
Outcome 1-2
Adopt an institution-wide academic assessment plan responsive to mission and needs.
Responsible Administrators
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
����������� Dean of Education, Business and Technology
����������� Dean of Arts and Sciences
Action Items:
� Develop a curricular review process that includes a cost/benefit analysis; analysis of current and projected enrollments; faculty assessment of program quality; student assessment of program quality; graduate assessment of program quality; employer assessments of program qualities; and other program outcomes assessments during AY 2002
� Begin assessment schedule with all programs currently in moratorium and other low enrollment and high expense programs by AY 2003
� Have each academic unit develop a list of programs that they are considering for initiation, if any, and establish a time-line for the study of the program feasibility and possible program initiation by Spring 2002
� Construct and publish a time-line with finite deadlines for the inclusion of various types of academic program changes into a given year's catalog by Fall 2001
� Include a statement of academic program level assessment responsibility in each faculty member�s annual professional development plan. Assessment responsibility will be a focus of all performance evaluations beginning with the 2002- 2003 academic year
� The Dean of Arts and Sciences will work with the General Education Committee to complete a self-study of the current general education program. The results of the self-study will be used to develop an improvement plan for the general education program.� The self-study will be completed by the end of the Fall Semester, 2001. The improvement plan will be completed by the end of Spring Semester, 2002.
Outcome 1-3
Increase student retention and graduation rates through improved academic programs, advising and support services.
Responsible Administrators
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
����������� Dean of Outreach and Research
����������� Dean of Education, Business and Technology
����������� Dean of Arts and Sciences
Action Items:
� Assign each new faculty member a faculty mentor to assist with advising questions and other new faculty issues beginning Fall 2001
� Report learning styles and critical thinking assessment results to new student orientation advisors and to faculty advisors prior registration by Fall 2001
� Identify at-risk students and recommend interventions to advisors by Fall 2001
� Assign peer mentors to at-risk students beginning Fall 2002
� The Dean of Arts and Sciences will supervise the development, implementation, and evaluation of a FIPSE funded One Course at a Time scheduling format for general education classes. Planning phase to be completed during 2001-2002. Implementation to begin Fall Semester, 2002.
Outcome 1-4
Provide improved administration and student services to students.
Responsible Administrators
����������� Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
����������� Vice Chancellor for University Advancement
Action Items:
� Complete implementation of Web based services to students and faculty by Fall 2002
� Develop and implement an administrative review to identify roadblocks to student services by Fall 2001.� Implement plan to address issues identified by 2003
� Identify permanent funding of a student activities coordinator by 2004
� Administer student satisfaction surveys for all administrative services on a biannual basis� beginning Fall 2002
� Implement EOP program to provide improved services to at-risk students using grant funds from the Department of Education
Outcome 1-5
Implement a strategically guided process for institutional marketing and enrollment management.
Responsible Administrator
����������� Vice Chancellor for University Advancement
Action Items:
� Restructure the Enrollment/Marketing Committee to include the Dean of Arts and Sciences and the Dean of Education, Business, and Technology by Fall 2001
� The Marketing Committee will update and implement the 5-year marketing plan by spring 2002 after review by all campus constituencies.� One aspect of that plan will use Western alumni as a focal point
Outcome 1-6
Maintain and enhance an athletics program that enhances Western's academic and student life programs
Responsible Administrator
����������� Vice Chancellor for University Advancement
Action Items:
� The Vice Chancellor for University Advancement will work with the Athletics Committee to develop and implement a review process that includes a cost/benefit analysis, gender equity analysis, and student-athlete retention analysis during AY 2002
� Develop a rationale, including budget implications, for any athletic program expansion or deletion by Spring 2002
Outcome 1-7
Increase diversity and exposure to diversity of students, faculty and staff
Responsible Administrators
����������� Chancellor
����������� Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
����������� Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
����������� Vice Chancellor for University Advancement
Action Items:
� Develop transfer and articulation agreements with all Montana tribal colleges by 2003
� Increase Western faculty and student involvement with Western's Indian Teacher Education Program at Salish-Kootenai College by AY 2002
� Target a section of Western's web page to the needs of Montana tribal members during AY 2002
� Continue to provide two out-of-state fee waivers to academically well-qualified students from under-represented groups and raise funds to provide two out-of-state scholarships annually to the same student group by Fall 2003
� Develop multi-cultural training and events through the Student Activities Coordinator with two events per year beginning AY 2002
Strategic Goal 2:� Attract, retain, support, and develop a diverse and excellent faculty and staff
Outcome 2-1
Provide sufficient time and financial support for professional growth and renewal of faculty after evaluation of current faculty workloads and assignments.
Responsible Administrators
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
����������� Dean of Education, Business and Technology
����������� Dean of Arts and Sciences
Action Items:
� Conduct faculty workload and productivity study during AY 2002 beginning with a survey of faculty workload during Fall 2001
� Evaluate possible ways to equalize or reduce faculty workload including teaching, advising and committee work while maintaining or increasing faculty productivity, especially student credit hour production by Spring 2002.
� Increase state funds for faculty development by $1,000 per year beginning AY 2002
� After evaluating campus needs on an annual basis by November 15thof each year beginning with 2001, hire or reallocate additional faculty according to the financial means of the University
Outcome 2-2
Recruit and retain qualified, diverse faculty and staff
Responsible Administrator
����������� Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
����������� Vice Chancellor for University Advancement
Action Items:
� Identify funding and implement a professional development program that includes appropriate training in the uses of new technology starting in 2001
� Continue to update analysis of peer salaries and use this information when allocating salary increases.� Have all faculty and contract professionals at 85% of peers by 2004
� Assess procedures for dealing with compression issues for long-term staff caused by the hiring of new staff by 2003
� Implement the Montana University System Montana Achievement Project (MAP) for all classified personnel and provide appropriate training by Fall 2001
� Identify staffing needs in key areas through peer analysis and current workload. Identify faculty staffing needs based upon the academic plan by Fall 2002
Strategic Goal 3:� Strengthen, develop, enhance, and broaden graduate and research programs
Outcome 3-1
Increase extramural funding of academic and outreach programs.
Responsible Administrators
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
����������� Dean of Outreach and Research
����������� Dean of Education, Business and Technology
����������� Dean of Arts and Sciences
Action Items:
� Reinvigorate the Rural Education Center functions by using grant resources during AY 2002
� Continue collaboration with the Montana Small School Alliance to obtain funding to improve services on campus as well as to rural K-12 schools during AY 2002
� Identify possible foundation funding for base programs housed in the RETC during fall 2001
� Develop and maintain academic support services for at-risk students using Student Services TRIO funding during Fall 2001
� Provide community outreach and research programming using grant resources during AY 2002
Outcome 3-2
Assess the appropriateness of graduate programs to the mission of the campus
Responsible Administrators
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
����������� Dean of Education, Business and Technology
����������� Dean of Arts and Sciences
� Examine and assess for feasibility graduate programs during AY 2002
� Secure a decision about the initiation of graduate programs on the campus by May 2002.
Strategic Goal 4:� Provide comprehensive information technology and related services
Outcome 4-1
Develop a comprehensive information system that adapts to the changing needs of the campus
Responsible Administrator
����������� Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
Action Items:
� Implement BANNER WEB for faculty by Fall 2001 and train all faculty in its use
� Integrate Web interfaces into the advising process with specific attention to counseling new students by AY 2003
� Assess replacement needs and develop a replacement plan for existing hardware and software during AY 2002
� Perform a technology needs assessment during AY 2003 that projects need for 5 years updated annually
Outcome 4-2
Ensure availability of core collections for each instructional program either physically in the library or through electronic access.
Responsible Administrators
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
����������� Library Director
����������� Dean of Outreach and Research
Action Items:
� As a campus of The University of Montana implement the integrated automated Endeavor system with collaborative acquisition and service strategies by Fall 2001
� Assess current collection adequacy by academic program beginning Fall 2001
� Implement programming in the Rural Education Technology Center to enhance resources for research and graduate programs by Spring 2002
� Seek private and federal funding for programming in the RETC to commence with ending of current funding
Strategic Goal 5:� Develop the campus and continuously maintain the physical plant
Outcome 5-1
Develop a facilities master plan to accommodate the changing needs of Western while providing a safe and efficient learning and working environment
Responsible Administrators
����������� Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
����������� Director of Facilities Services
Action Items:
� Working with faculty and the appropriate campus committees, develop a prioritized list of classroom renovation projects by Spring 2002
� Develop a regular preventative maintenance schedule during AY 2002
� Update campus facilities master plan during AY 2002 and AY 2003
� Establish a 5 year plan including projected needs and deferred maintenance after completion of the facilities master plan during AY 2003
� Explore energy saving alternatives during AY 2002 to decrease energy consumption by 10% over the biennium.
Strategic Goal 6:� Provide a stable financial environment, enhance resource acquisition, and assure equitable distribution of resources
Outcome 6-1
Implement coherent institutional evaluation and planning and establish priorities for institutional improvement
Responsible Administrators
����������� Chancellor
����������� Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
����������� Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
����������� Vice Chancellor for University Advancement
Action Items:
� Establish a standing campus Strategic Planning Committee that meets on a yearly basis in the spring to review progress towards meeting strategic plan goals, evaluate effectiveness of implemented goals, modify goals as situations change, and reprioritize goals each year beginning with AY 2001
� Establish and implement assessment systems in each of the University divisions that feed information back to the Strategic Planning Committee beginning with AY 2002
� Use the Strategic Plan and assessment information as the basis for the budgeting process by FY 2003
Outcome 6-2
Develop and maintain a budgeting process to optimize the distribution of resources to achieve campus priorities as stated in the Strategic Plan.
Responsible Administrator
����������� Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
Action Items:
� Continue to refine the current budgeting process and increase campus participation in each of the next five years beginning Spring 2002
� Develop a pool in each budgeting cycle to be reallocated to strategic plan issues.� This will require reassigning a percent of current base budgets to the pool by FY 2003
� Increase reserves in state funds to 2% of budget by 2004
� Revise and standardize enrollment/revenue projection model based on system wide criteria as well as local initiatives by Spring 2003
� Work with MUS system in review of COE model beginning Fall 2001
� Develop an internal allocation guide that relates resource allocation to programmatic need in conjunction with the academic and strategic plan by 2005
� Identify one new revenue source or enhance an existing one each year beginning 2001