ITEM 124-101-R0704����������������� Quarterly Perkins Report; Office Commissioner of Higher education


THAT:�������������������������������������� The Montana Board of Regents is the Eligible Agency for the administration of the Carl D. Perkins Vocational Technical Education Act of 1998.� The management of these funds is conducted through the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education in coordination with the Office of Public Instruction.�� On April 7-8, 2004, a targeted monitoring visit was completed by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education.� For both secondary and postsecondary programs, the following key areas were reviewed:� state program administration, local application, fiscal program responsibility, Tech Prep programs, and accountability.�


EXPLANATION:����������������������� The Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education received the monitoring team�s report on June 2, 2004.� For each area reviewed, information on current status and strengths were noted.� Where applicable, findings regarding specific areas where the state is not meeting the requirements of the Perkins legislation are identified.� For each finding, applicable sections of the legislation are cited, along with corrective actions the State must take to achieve compliance with the Act.� Our Perkins State Liaison, Andrew Johnson, has been contacted to negotiate a reasonable timeline for taking each corrective action noted.��


ATTACHMENT:������������������������ Summary of the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education�Montana�s Perkins System Monitoring Report