AIMA Recommendation #5

Request campuses consider how to include American Indian voice in the search process when hiring campus leaders and assess leadership candidate’s knowledge and experience working with American Indian students, faculty and staff.

To support MUS campuses in successful implementation of Recommendation #5, the AIMA Council offers:

American Indian “voice” can include:

  • An American Indian student, faculty or staff serving on a search committee.
  • Collecting and sharing data about overall American Indian faculty, staff, and student representation on campuses to help hiring committees understand the important role they play in assessing a candidates knowledge and experience with American Indian students, faculty and staff.
  • Writing position vacancies that outline the importance of experience and knowledge in working with American Indian students, faculty and staff.  
  • Including interview questions that assess a candidate’s competencies in working with American Indian students, faculty and staff.  

Search committee chairs should work closely with campus-based Human Resource teams through each part of the hiring process.