
This work, hosted in partnership with Complete College America, will help reinvigorate and refine how institutions meet the needs of students who may be academically underprepared and will support campuses in developing continuous improvement processes. In 2014, the Montana University System came together to introduce the, at the time ground-breaking, co-requisite model across campuses. Now, nine years later, we invite campuses to come back together again to share lessons learned, re-tool our knowledge and skills, and strengthen models for meeting the needs of students. This work is timely three years into a global pandemic that has resulted in demonstrable "learning loss" across grades and in rising college students. 


The series will focus on strategies to deepen the practice and impact of the corequisite model while other sessions will focus on advising, placement, and assessment. Nationally-recognized facilitators will lead sessions on topics including: 

  • placement,  
  • institutional budget and faculty models to support corequisites,  
  • continuous improvement through assessment,  
  • best practices in (re)designing equitable and effective coreqs, and  
  • equitable advising practices.   


In the spring, we aim to come together in person for a two-day convening to create richer dialogue and communities of practice, and solidify institutional plans for assessment and continuous improvement in the areas of developmental education and co-requisite courses. 

Key Dates

Spring Kick-off 

January 11, 2023 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Agenda | Slides

In-person Spring Convening

April 24, 2023 - April 25, 2023

Missoula College, Missoula, MT

Registration and Event Details



Spring Sessions (January 2023 - April 2023)

Faculty Track

"Designing and Improving Equitable & Effective Co-Req"

With Lauren Fern, Assistant Professor and Math Discipline Lead, Missoula College. Chair of the MUS Developmental Education and Co-requisite Steering Committee


Session 1: Creating a Community, In-Person and Virtually
February 14, 2023. 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Register once for all four sessions using the link above.


  • Establishing a safe, supportive,environment for the cohort.
  • Setting goals for participation and growth during this professional learning series.
  • Analyzing the characteristics of an equitable and effective corequisite culture.

Session 2: Developing and Assessing Student Understanding 
February 21, 2023. 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Register once for all four sessions using the link above.


  • Examine ways to engage all students where they are and move them forward.
  • Explore culturally responsive teaching strategies that motivate learning.
  • Consider concrete strategies that support students in taking charge of their own learning.
  • Explore effective routines for establishing and maintaining a student-centered active and collaborative classroom culture.

Session 3: Empowering Students as Learners 
February 28, 2023. 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

Register once for all four sessions using the link above.


  • Examine ways to impact student mindsets and motivation.
  • Explore strategies to promote metacognition and self-regulation.
  • Consider the precepts of Universal Design for Learning.


Session 4: Building Departmental Cohesion and Growth, Assessing Your Corequisite Program 
March 7, 2023. 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

Register once for all four sessions using the link above.


  • Explore actions that support collaboration and coherence.
  • Practice strategies for content alignment.
  • Explore incorporating student voice into the evaluation process
  • Consider engaging all faculty in continuous improvement of instruction

Non-faculty Track

Session 1: A Known Quantity: Corequisite Instruction is a Proven Completion Strategy
February 16, 2023. 

with Heidi Loshbaugh



  • Mental Model: Student Ready Campus
  • Corequisite Instruction 101
  • Coreq as strategy: impact beyond the classroom on success, retention, & completion
  • Institutional ROI
  • Call to Action:
    1. Delivering sustainable budget models
    2. Prioritizing rooming, scheduling, and staffing
    3. Creating & implementing routine quality improvement


Session 2:  Rethinking Placement: Moving from Sorting to Supporting
February 23, 2023. 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

with Connie Richardson, Ph.D., The Charles A. Dana Center (retired)


Join in this discussion of modernizing the concept of placement. Rather than sorting students into multiple levels of developmental education, let’s move toward default placement into college-level courses and repurpose historic placement strategies to assess the level of support students need to be successful in those courses.

In this session, participants will:

  • Engage with evidence that supports the need for rethinking placement.
  • Consider evidence-based strategies for corequisite placement.
  • Begin or continue planning for implementing corequisites at scale.


Session 3: Academic Advising and Co-requisite Support: A Pathway to Success
March 29, 2023. 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm

with Melinda J. Anderson,  Ed.D, Executive Director for Network Engagement, Achieving the Dream



  1. Participants will understand the importance of academic advising practices in relationship to co-requisite supports
  2. Participants will engage with their peers regarding promising practices in academic advising
  3. Participants will create action steps for moving forward with academic advising practices and co-requisite supports


Session 4: Campuswide Practices: Using Data to Review & Improve Co-req Outcomes
April 11, 2023. 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

with Loretta Griffy, Ph.D., Austin Peay College



  • Key metrics for transparent, consistent, & routine data review 
  • Who needs to be in the room
  • Building continuous improvement
  • Narrative that data tells: How to solve the historical gateway challenge



Co-requisite Steering Committee

Campuses Represented

Virginia Boysun

Registrar, Dawson Community College

Dallas Dallman

Associate Director, Office of Admissions , Montana State University

Jessica Dougherty-McMichael

Assistant Professor and Writing Discipline Lead, Missoula College

Beth Durodoye

Dean, College of Arts, Sciences, and Education, MSU Northern

Lauren Fern, Chair

Assistant Professor and Math Discipline Lead, Missoula College

Leanne Frost

Executive Director of Instruction, Great Falls College

Sarah Maki

Associate Dean, Gallatin College

Chairsty Stewart

General Education Faculty/Corequisite and Placement Coordinator, MSU Billings

Dena Wagner-Fossen

Registrar, Great Falls College

Joyce Walborn

Mathematics Faculty, Helena College

Liz Wright

Assistant Mathematics Professor, UM Western

University of Montana

Missoula College

Helena College

Great Falls College

Montana State University

Gallatin College

MSU Northern

MSU Billings

City College

Montana Tech

Highlands College

UM Western

Dawson Community College

Miles Community College