Goal Statement

Work collaboratively with the K-12 education system to increase high school academic preparedness, completion, and concurrent enrollment programs

Goal 1:  Access & Affordability

System Initiatives: Dual Enrollment

Goal Statement

Increase capacity, awareness, and opportunities for Dual Enrollment in Montana.

Action Steps

  1. Continue with 12Free program (first 6 credits for free)
  2. Expand communication of Dual Enrollment opportunities through the new College Access Portal
  3. Explore ways to centralized dual enrollment registration.


Target = increase the annual number of dual enrolled students by 10%


Objective 1.4.1

Increase enrollment of at-risk and disadvantaged students

Metric 1.4.1

Objective 1.4.2

Expand outreach to top academic achievers graduating from Montana high schools

Objective 1.4.3

Increase early access to higher education through dual enrollment

Metric 1.4.3