Montana Board of Regents

 of Higher Education 



Special Meeting


March 3, 2003


Montana Higher Education Complex

2500 Broadway

Helena, MT 59620

These minutes were approved unanimously at the May 29-30, 2003 Meeting in Great Falls, MT





The Full Board Convened at 10:00 a.m. - Roll Call indicated a Quorum Present  


Regents Present: Richard Roehm Chairman, Lynn Morrison-Hamilton Vice-Chair (late due to road conditions), Christian Hur, Ed Jasmin, Mark Semmens, Lila Taylor, and Interim Commissioner Carrol Krause ex officio


Regents Absent:  John Mercer, Governor Judy Martz ex officio, and Superintendent of Public Instruction Linda McCulloch ex officio


a.   Discussion and final approval of Higher Education Profile, Desired Qualities for Commissioner, and search calendar

Dr. Elaine Hairston worked through her documents with the Regents and Campus CEOs on the desired profile of the new commissioner as well as the ad to be placed in a variety of media.  Many comments were offered to enhance the documents and to tighten the structure.  These documents also will be available on the Board�s Web Site and the OCHE Web site.  The ad will be placed in the Chronicle of Higher Education as well as local Montana papers.  Dr. Hairston anticipates having the position filled by May, 2003.


b.    Discussion and Proposal on Transferability

i.    Board Briefing

ii.   Findings

Following a comprehensive update on the state of transferability within the MUS given by Deputy Commissioner Joyce Scott and Chancellor Sexton (Transfer Presentation [Note: You may receive a warning before running this presentation]) the Board deliberated the following items.

iii.    ITEM 117-105-R1102 - Revision of Policy 301.10 General Education Block Transfer Policy (Action Item) � (Deputy Commissioner Scott)

  Regent Hur MOVED for APPROVAL of item iii

*  Motion APPROVED  UNANIMOUSLY on 6-0 vote

iv.   ITEM 117-104-R1102 - Revision of Policy 301.5 - Transfer of Credits (Action Item) � (Deputy Commissioner Scott)

  Regent Jasmin MOVED for APPROVAL of item iv

*  Motion APPROVED  UNANIMOUSLY on 6-0 vote.

v.  Transfer Project Goals � (Deputy Commissioner Scott)

 The Board endorsed the process and direction of the Steering Committee, although they realize the difficulty of committing  resources to this endeavor due to funding constraints.  The committee will look at several alternatives such as articulation agreements to increase the ease of transferability.  There will be a subcommittee for each discipline, and they will work in their own areas.

vi.  Transferability Proposal (Discussion Item) (Student Regent Hur)

  Regent Hur Chose to make NO MOTION on item vi

With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.

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