Employees of the Montana University System (MUS) are provided with workers' compensation coverage through the MUS Self-Funded Workers’ Compensation Program.  This coverage is provided at no cost to employees.  2024-25 Employee Notice of WC Coverage

Workers' compensation benefits are paid in cases of work-related injuries and diseases that are compensable under the Montana Workers' Compensation Act (WCA), generally those that occur accidentally through the course and scope of employment, and that are verified by medically objective facts.  Benefits available through the MUS Self-Funded Workers’ Compensation Program include related expenses for: 

  • Approved medical, hospital and related services;
  • Stay-at-Work/Return-to-Work assistance;
  • Wage compensation for those who are temporarily unable to work.  Under current rules, replacement wages equal to 2/3 of the employee’s average weekly wages, typically calculated using the previous 4 pay periods, up to a maximum weekly amount established annually by the Montana Department of Labor (DLI).
  • Vocational Rehabilitation opportunities and disability compensation in cases of permanent impairment.

For further explanation of reporting requirements, workers’ compensation benefits, and information helpful to  an injured worker please see the DLI Workers’ Compensation Benefits Summary

MUS employees who work and reside outside Montana on a more than temporary basis DO NOT complete a MT FROI, follow the Non-Montana Claim Filing Instructions. Workers’ compensation is regulated state-by-state, MUS purchases a workers’ compensation insurance policy to ensure its non-Montana employees have appropriate state-specific coverage. This claim process differs  slightly from that described for Montana employees – Timeliness is still essential to protecting your eligibility to workers’ compensation benefits  Contact your campus claim coordinator with questions or for assistance with a non-Montana workers’ compensation claim.