Helena College - UM
Student Center
March 5, 2015
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Committee Members: Regents Fran Albrecht, Chair; Jeff Krauss, and Bill Johnstone

1:30 PM


  1. Performance Funding Allocation Model Update
  2. Student Proposal to Revise BOR Policy 940.12.1 – Tuition and Fee Approval: Disclosure of Total Cost of Attendance; OCHE | Attachment #1 
  3. Update – MSU-Billings Budget Planning
2:30 PM


  1. Authorization to Remodel Classrooms in Liberal Arts Building – University of Montana-Missoula; UM-Missoula ITEM 166-1003-R0315 | Attachment #1
  2. Authorization to Execute Utility Easement between NorthWestern Corporation and the University of Montana-Missoula; UM-Missoula ITEM 166-1026-R0315 | Attachment #1
  3. Authorization to Expend Student Computer Fee Funds: Student Classroom Technology Equipment Initiative – University of Montana-Missoula; UM-Missoula ITEM 166-1028-R0315
  4. Authorization to Expend Student Computer Fee Funds: Student Employment Allocation – University of Montana-Missoula; UM-Missoula ITEM 166-1029-R0315
  5. Authorization to Expend Student Fee Funds: Student Equipment Allocation-University of Montana-Missoula; UM-Missoula ITEM 166-1030-R0315
  6. Authorization to Expend Reverted Appropriations-University of Montana Western; UM-Western ITEM 166-1603-R0315 | Attachment #1
  7. Authorization to Expend Student Computer Fees – The University of Montana Western; UM-Western ITEM 166-1604-R0315
  8. Request for Approval of New investment line-up for the Montana Family Education Savings Program (MFESP) Investment Plan; OCHE ITEM 166-101-R0315 | Attachment #1
2:56 PM


  1. Authorization to Complete Research Space at 3rd Floor Interdisciplinary Science Building (ISB) – University of Montana-Missoula; UM-Missoula ITEM 166-1001- R0315 | Attachment #1
  2. Authorization to Enter into Lease for Bitterroot College – University of Montana-Missoula; UM-Missoula ITEM 166-1002-R0315 | Attachment #1 | Attachment #2 | Attachment #3
  3. Authorization for Approval of Operating Agreement between Great Falls College-MSU and MSU Alumni Foundation; Great Falls College-MSU ITEM 166-2904-R0315 | Attachment #1
  4. Authorization to Name the Northern Agricultural Research Center’s Office Building; MSU-Bozeman ITEM 166-2009-R0315 | Attachment #1
3:30 PM Adjourn on completion of business